
Next Steps for improving our heating

Next Steps for improving our heating

Boiler Plus was introduced a year ago, since then the SEA has published ‘Next Steps for Boiler Plus’ which considers how it is being implemented and how to improve it moving forwards.

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SEA Christmas Reception – a cold but inspiring evening

SEA Christmas Reception – a cold but inspiring evening

The Sustainable Energy Association’s Christmas reception on the terrace of the House of Commons in December was a memorable night. It was an excellent opportunity to reflect on the progress that has been made in 2017 and to welcome the Clean Growth Strategy. It was...

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Oil boiler deployment under ECO: unintended consequences?

Oil boiler deployment under ECO: unintended consequences?

Whilst the release of the long-awaited Clean Growth Strategy and the publication’s celebration of low-carbon industries has been encouraging, the strategy recognised that the barriers to economy-wide decarbonisation remain significant and varied. Energy from...

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I don’t want a faster horse!

I don’t want a faster horse!

Apparently, Henry Ford said, “if I had asked people what they wanted they would have said faster horses”. I heard something that reminded me of that this week – don’t move away from gas  because “it’s what we have and what...

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Reducing energy bills?  What’s the answer?

Reducing energy bills? What’s the answer?

The focus, as during the last election, is on reducing bills by freezing or capping energy tariffs.  This policy is set to divide opinion with supporters claiming it will fix a broken energy market and detractors claiming it will reduce competition and choice and...

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The future is coming!

The future is coming!

Coming from Newcastle I am very aware of the importance of coal and the part it played in powering this country and driving the Industrial Revolution. ‘Taking coal to Newcastle’   is an idiom describing a pointless action which stems from...

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