Energy Efficiency

Priorities for increasing energy security in the UK – addressing key challenges, industry role and obligations, energy efficiency, mitigating impact on business and consumers, and the future of net-zero policy ambitions

Priorities for increasing energy security in the UK – addressing key challenges, industry role and obligations, energy efficiency, mitigating impact on business and consumers, and the future of net-zero policy ambitions

Our Chief Executive, Jade Lewis, recently spoke at the Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum policy conference to discuss the priorities for UK energy security. Read Jade's speech: Priorities for increasing energy security On the 7th of April this...

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Time to pay attention to housing

Time to pay attention to housing

COVID-19 has resulted in many of us now staying in our homes for longer periods of time. It’s also caused delays to the important UN COP26 conference which was due to be held in Glasgow this November. The virus will understandably dominate our news headlines and...

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