
Party Conferences 2014

Party Conferences 2014

After three weeks of being on the road, with nothing but the free sandwiches at the (various, and variously excellent) fringe events, what have we learned about the likely future of energy policy under our next Government? Labour: “Every single penny to go to the fuel...

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General Election: Cabinet Re-Shuffle Review

General Election: Cabinet Re-Shuffle Review

The announcement that William Hague was stepping down as a MP at the next General Election was the first indication that today’s Cabinet Reshuffle (still in progress at the time of writing) would be much more significant than previously thought. For the energy sector,...

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Next steps to Zero Carbon Homes – Allowable Solutions

Next steps to Zero Carbon Homes – Allowable Solutions

This week, some nine months after the consultation closed, the Department for Communities and Local Government finally revealed its response to Next steps to zero carbon homes – Allowable Solutions. Some of the document contents were no surprise having been made...

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Dave Sowden Speaking Notes for SEA Summer Reception

Dave Sowden Speaking Notes for SEA Summer Reception

SEA Manifesto  I’d like to take a few moments to outline the background to, and content of the manifesto that we published yesterday. First, this is a great big win / win. We start by spelling out the economics – using Government’s own data and tool to set out...

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