Zero Carbon Homes
The debate over Zero Carbon Homes (ZCH) reared its head again recently following announcements made in the Queen’s speech confirming that provisions for ZCH in 2016 would be included in the Infrastructure Bill. Discussed in the Lords this week, far from being the...
Gemserv joins the Sustainable Energy Association to promote low carbon energy solutions
The Sustainable Energy Association is delighted to welcome Gemserv as the latest major sustainable energy industry player to join the organisation as an Executive Member. Gemserv, a specialist market design, governance and assurance service provider who provide high...
New Building Regulations will deprive householders of fuel bill savings
04 June 2014 Immediate Release Industry expressed dismay at today’s decision, announced in the Queen’s speech, to further water down previous intentions for energy requirements of new homes from 2016. Today’s announcement has confirmed a significant scaling back of...
Industry Welcomes Levelling of Playing Field for Renewable Heating
Immediate Release: 11am, 29 May 2014 Industry today warmly welcomed the passage into law of Regulations implementing changes to the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive. These changes follow a two year long campaign by a coalition of industry bodies including the...
Industry Welcomes Clean Home Heating Scheme
Immediate Release: 9 April 2014 Industry warmly welcomed today’s launch of the domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), a scheme that allows householders to claim seven years of incentive payments if they install a renewable heating system – a heat pump, biomass...
Dave Sowden speech to the Sustainable Energy Association Launch Reception
My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, first let me thank our host, Martin Caton MP, Baroness Maddock our President, the Secretary of State, our members and guests here tonight, Donald for putting up with me for the last four years, and Bill for taking on the challenge of...
Prime Minister Welcomes the Launch of the SEA
This week saw the official launch of the Sustainable Energy Association and we were pleased to receive a resounding welcome from David Cameron, Prime Minister. Mr Cameron commented; “I applaud the launch of the Sustainable Energy Association and its plans to promote...
The Sustainable Energy Association announces Mark Group’s Bill Rumble to take over from Mitsubishi Electric’s Donald Daw as new Vice President.
Bill will formally take over from the current Vice President, Donald Daw, Divisional Commercial Director, Mitsubishi Electric, at the next Executive Committee meeting in April. He will now serve in this capacity for a period of two years. Commenting on the result,...
Outrage from energy efficiency industry at proposals to remove local planning powers
In a consultation, published in August 2013, proposals were made to amend or repeal the Planning and Energy Act 2008, a move which would remove the only remaining power that enables councils to require new developments to be more energy efficient and to include...
Knauf Insulation joins the Sustainable Energy Association to promote energy efficiency solutions.
Knauf Insulation, one of the leading providers of energy efficiency measures and building products in the UK and across Europe, has joined the Sustainable Energy Association to take an active role in developing the policies that matter to the energy efficiency and low...
The Sustainable Energy Association – why the name change?
E2B: So what sparked the decision to rebrand from the Micropower Council to the Sustainable Energy Association? DS: We began as the Micropower Council 10 years’ ago to create the political narrative that micro-generation (sustainable energy production from buildings)...