
Healthier Homes Roundtable

Healthier Homes Roundtable

As part of our policy development and engagement, we hosted a social housing and local authority roundtable focused on the installation of energy efficiency measures and low carbon heating on Tuesday 22nd November. The majority of social housing properties were built...

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Hats off to Birmingham

Hats off to Birmingham

As a Geordie living on the south east of England, I had, until I joined the Sustainable Energy Association (based in Solihull) four years ago, regarded the Midlands as somewhere I passed through on the way to visit family up north.I have over the years attended many...

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No home left behind; ensuring retrofit of the hard to treat

No home left behind; ensuring retrofit of the hard to treat

In the years 2004-2014, household energy use fell by a fifth. A number of factors have been attributed to this including more efficient boilers and appliances, adoption of low-energy light bulbs and high energy costs (before the current drop in fossil fuel prices). It...

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Join-the-dots energy efficiency policy

Join-the-dots energy efficiency policy

By Fraser Wallace  George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, recognises the private sector is a powerful vehicle to deliver goods and services in a cost-effective manner. In his Autumn Statement (25th November 2015) he stated, ‘there is no growth and no jobs...

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Why are renewable heat customers getting cold feet?

Why are renewable heat customers getting cold feet?

In my capacity as Policy and Public Affairs Manager at the Sustainable Energy Association (SEA) I have received a number of  calls in recent weeks from concerned members asking for advice following disappointing Government announcements.  Policies...

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The Energy Efficiency Policy Chrysalis

The Energy Efficiency Policy Chrysalis

The year 2015 started with promising developments for energy efficiency policy. For example, the Coalition Government announced in February that Private Rented Sector tenants will be able to prompt (from 1st April 2016) landlords to install energy efficiency measures...

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Scottish Government – heating up energy strategy

Scottish Government – heating up energy strategy

The Scottish Government released on the 11th of July a heat policy statement, subtitled ‘Towards Decarbonising Heat- Maximising the Opportunities for Scotland.’ It is true that decarbonising heat represents a significant opportunity for the environment and economy of...

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UKIP’s Energy Policy

UKIP’s Energy Policy

Given the next government could source a mosaic of policies from more than one party, it is important to consider in what manner smaller parties would seek to influence any future coalition or minority government. UKIP certainly has some bold statements in its...

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Green’s and Liberal Democrats calling for action

Green’s and Liberal Democrats calling for action

Given the next government could source a mosaic of policies from more than one party, it is important to consider in what manner smaller parties would seek to influence any future coalition or minority government. As their name might infer, the Green Party is...

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