Sustainable Energy Association welcomes new members
Showersave is distributed throughout the UK & Ireland by BPD Ltd. BPD develops practical energy saving solutions that are designed to help people and businesses, throughout the UK, to reduce both their CO2 emissions and energy costs. Showersave is...
Reducing energy bills? What’s the answer?
The focus, as during the last election, is on reducing bills by freezing or capping energy tariffs. This policy is set to divide opinion with supporters claiming it will fix a broken energy market and detractors claiming it will reduce competition and choice and...
Sustainable Energy Association appoints Lesley Rudd as Chief Executive
The Sustainable Energy Association (SEA) is pleased to announce that Lesley Rudd has taken over as Chief Executive from Dave Sowden, who has now returned to work part time following a period of recovery from illness. Dave will continue to work as a Strategic Adviser...
The future is coming!
Coming from Newcastle I am very aware of the importance of coal and the part it played in powering this country and driving the Industrial Revolution. ‘Taking coal to Newcastle’ is an idiom describing a pointless action which stems from...
Sustainable Energy Association welcomes Orbit to its membership
Orbit is one of the UK’s largest housing associations. It owns and manages around 40,000 homes and has around 100,000 customers in the Midlands, East and South East regions, and parts of London. Orbit Homes, the development and sales arm of Orbit, specialises in...
SEA Launches Bill to ensure Clean Growth
The Energy from Buildings and Community Bill will be introduced into Parliament shortly by a cross-party group of MPs. It will turn words into action.SEA's Head of Parliamentary Affairs, Ron Bailey said:"We will build a large national alliance behind this Bill...
Energy Efficiency – A Policy Pathway
Too many of our homes are cold, leaky and inefficient. Yet many of us, including those classified as able to pay, face significant barriers to carrying out energy efficiency improvements. The Sustainable Energy Association (SEA) has developed a policy paper which sets...
Wrap then Heat – making our buildings healthier and cheaper to run
A group of leading companies within the energy sector have today outlined a new strategy for making our homes healthier, cheaper to run and more sustainable. Wrap then Heat, a report published by the Sustainable Energy Association (SEA) recognises that supporting...
Get Voting – 4th May
Whilst it is still very unclear what BREXIT will mean one thing is certain – it has increased interest in politics; record numbers of students are applying to study politics. So with this increased awareness of all things political, perhaps the time is right for the...
Sustainable Energy Association welcomes housing providers to its membership
Nottingham Community Housing Association (NCHA) is one of the largest locally-based housing groups in the East Midlands, managing around 9,000 homes, in properties worth over £500 million and housing more than 15,000 tenants in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire,...
A ‘whole house’ approach to improving our homes
When we think of buildings and homes what springs to mind? A physical construction, a shelter with a roof, windows and doors where people live or work? Is a home the same as a building or is a home a more emotional thing – a building yes, but one with which we have a...
PRESS RELEASE – SEA elects new Chair of Executive Committee – Richard Burnley
The Sustainable Energy Association has elected Richard Burnley, Managing Director of Kingspan Insulation Britain & Ireland as Chair of its Executive Committee. Richard Burnley is the Managing Director at Kingspan Insulation Britain & Ireland, one of the...